[Disclaimer for our normal audience: This could shape up to be a fantastic opportunity for us so please excuse our regular programming for this contest entry!]
Hello Rail Europe!
This is our entry for your #TalesonRail contest and we are excited to share our story with you! We would be thrilled to travel with you by train in France and Switzerland to further our Follow Me Away project. We are a photography/model couple and are currently on a mission to help diversify the scope of travel photography. Instead of simple landscapes or people walking the streets, Terrence takes unstaged photos of Victoria in different locations. Our project is one-of-a-kind since we are the same two people shooting each and every photo. We strive to keep photos and landscapes in our project simple and natural . We work with the time of day we are provided and carry all of our gear on our backs meaning we only use a camera, the sun, and a dress we bring in a backpack.

We began this project less than a year ago and hope to expand our growing Instagram/social media following, provide our viewers with a unique angle on our series, and eventually partner with large brands/tourism boards/companies to use our photography to help promote what they have to offer.

The trip Rail Europe is offering for #talesonrail would afford us the time and resources to expand our series and bring fresh and one-of-a-kind content to our viewers. As “starving artists,” train travel is our favorite methods of transportation, but can become pricey. The ability to travel throughout France and Switzerland with Rail Europe would allow us to experience a part of Europe we have yet to travel.

We have never had the chance to explore the south of France and the one day we were in Switzerland it rained so we were unable to shoot the fantastic vistas the country is known for. In addition, we looking to expand our portfolio to include shoots in cities across the world so that our viewers have a peek into international cities as well as the usual landscapes we provide. We shot in Prague and it was our first and only city photoshoot. We would appreciate the chance to shoot cities such as Avignon, Broc, and Lyon, as well as the landscapes of Lake Lucerne and the mountain vistas the cable car ride would provide. Your itinerary would provide us with the perfect balance of both nature [something we are always wanderlusting for], and historic cities and villages [something we are striving to better provide for our project]. It would also provide us the chance to write rich content for our blog which you are currently reading. In addition, the videographer provided by Rail Europe would be able to capture some epic behind-the-scenes footage which is something our viewers constantly ask for and we are rarely able to provide since it is just the two of us.

Our project is the first of its kind and we would be honored if Rail Europe played a part in continuing to build on the foundation we have created.
Please take a moment to stalk our Instagram account @followmeaway to get a better understanding of the work we do and how #Talesonrails can help! You can also find our photos on the web here. We have interspersed our photography throughout this article and we hope you enjoy it as much as we loved shooting the photos!

We thank you for putting this project together and we encourage our friends and followers to submit their stories here!